It has been called a dumpster fire and was declared to “even sucked for Kim Kardashian.” Beginning in July and continuing non-stop, this year was deemed to “suck” and we saw a flood of hot takes either labeling it the worst year in living memory or at least asking the question of how bad it really was. Rotten (8%): Michael Cohen - "He's the Republican's Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.Hating 2016 and wishing for it to end has perhaps been the meme of 2016.Rotten (17%): Steve Benen - "Cruz loves both attention and the sound of his own voice, and this spectacle offers both-though I can't help but wonder if the Republican realizes the extent to which he's undermining his own supposed cause.".Rotten (35%): Dana Milbank - "A casual observer of Cruz's antics could see what his colleagues had been grumbling about privately: that his time on the Senate floor was an exercise in self-promotion.".Rotten (27%): Alex Pareene - "There's some debate as to whether Cruz is crazy-like-a-fox or just an idiot with an inflated ego, but the fact that he could be either shows how little it matters.".Which is, in this case, hatred of Senator Ted Cruz." But he's managed to achieve what no one else, from the president to the American public, has been able to do in recent years: unite the vast majority of Congress around one great idea. Rotten (22%): Gail Collins - "Cruz is basically a roadblock with a Princeton debate medal.Bush's Justice Department, is something else: a figure straight out of Rush Limbaugh's dreams, the 2013 model of 2003′s Republican right." Rotten (42%) Daniel McCarthy - "Cruz, who seemed quite happy in George W.But here is where I got to get off the crazy train." I brush my teeth with red, white, and blue toothpaste. Rotten (47%): Charles Hurt - "I consider myself an unapologetic Tea Party Patriot.But if things don't go well, let's not hear any excuses about "the surrender caucus" or claims that it would all have worked out if only everyone were as brave and principled as the generals up at HQ." If they do succeed and defund ObamaCare, we'll gladly give them due credit. Rotten (49%): The Wall Street Journal - "We've lost this debate, and Generals Cruz and Lee are in charge.But the view Cruz cares about is the view from Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina-and from there he looks like a hero to many of the Republicans who'll choose the party's nominee in 2016."

Fresh (82%): John Podhoretz - "All in all, the Cruz performance was great political theater, and Cruz was astoundingly impressive both in demeanor and in the cogency and saliency of his arguments against ObamaCare.".Fresh (85%): David French - "While the leftist outlets (and, sadly, some Republicans) spew forth their vitriol, I can't help but think that moments like this and Senator Rand Paul's "Stand with Rand" filibuster represent key turning points for the conservative movement.".Fresh: (90%) Sarah Palin - "Maybe if Ted had worn pretty pink running shoes he'd have gotten more respect from the same leftwing media that gushed over the Texan state senator who filibustered in the Texas legislature.".Fresh (95%): Rush Limbaugh - "Ted Cruz is fighting for freedom in the greatest tradition of American freedom fighters.".